The Whole of the Veil by Scott Champion
The Whole of the Veil (Scott Champion)

The Whole of the Veil by Scott Champion

Photo of the Week for September 2, 2016  In astrophotography, the requirements of a wide field of view and […]

Photo of the Week for September 2, 2016

 In astrophotography, the requirements of a wide field of view and fine detail are often at odds with each other. Usually the photographer has to sacrifice a little of one to get more of the other. One way around this is to take several high-resolution images and mosaic them together to obtain the desired field coverage. That’s exactly what Haneytown, New Brunswick, imager Scott Champion did to create this wonderfully rich image showing the entire three-degree-wide expanse of the Veil Nebula in Cygnus.

The Whole of the Veil by Scott Champion
The Whole of the Veil (Scott Champion)

Each of the four frames used to construct this mosaic was captured with a Atik 383L+ monochromatic CCD camera attached to an Explore Scientific ES 102ED apochromatic refractor telescope working at f/5.6 with with Stellarvue 0.8× focal reducer.