Fireflies and Northern Lights by Steve Irvine
Fireflies and Northern Lights (Steve Irvine)

Fireflies and Northern Lights by Steve Irvine

This stunning image of fireflies and aurora has earned Photo of the Week honours.

Photo of the Week for July 3, 2015

Photographing from the Bruce Peninsula in southern Ontario during the predawn hours of June 23, Steve Irvine captured more than he perhaps expected. “The aurora coincided with the peak of our firefly season, and the field around me was sparkling with firefly flashes,” he writes. “I was happy to capture some of their light in the photo as well.”

Fireflies and Northern Lights by Steve Irvine
Fireflies and Northern Lights (Steve Irvine)

Irvine used a Canon EOS 6D DSLR camera and a 24mm lens set to f/4 for this composite image consisting of eight 15-second exposures (2-minutes total) at ISO 2500.