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Summer Stargazing: Embracing the Best Nights
Drifting among the Milky Way’s star clouds with binoculars can be addictive on the right night. Terence Dickinson
DSLR Planetary Imaging: A Tutorial
With equipment you already own, you can create planetary images that were only dreamed of two decades ago. Art Cole
Small But Powerful
Scutum, the Shield, has no bright stars but lays claim to something truly impressive: the Scutum Star Cloud. Ken Hewitt-White
A Cosmic Secret Revealed
Peering closer to the instant of the Big Bang — a major advance in cosmology. Ivan Semeniuk
10 Fun Facts about the Moon
Our nearest neighbour is a fascinating place. Here are some factoids you can use at your next Moon-observing party. Gary Seronik
Remembering John Dobson, Part 2
It was supposed to be the road trip of a lifetime — touring my favourite parks in British Columbia with John Dobson, the iconic inventor of the Dobsonian telescope. But the dream almost turned into a nightmare. Ken Hewitt-White
Dual Planets at Dusk and Dawn
This is a season of close passages: Mars near Spica, Mars near Saturn, Venus near Jupiter, the Moon near Uranus and Ceres near Vesta. Alan Dyer
Normand Fullum: A Master Craftsman
Offering some of the largest telescopes available to amateur astronomers. Doug Cunningham
Constellation Corner: Sagittarius
This constellation may ride low in Canadian skies, but for the ancient Greeks, he galloped high in the south. Ken Hewitt-White